
We live by innovations in ANECT
During our everyday work, we look for ways how to simplify our services so that customers can benefit as much as possible. But we also find time to look for ideas to ease our work, improve our solutions, bring us a competitive advantage, or which can become a differential innovation that can substantially move ANECT forward on the ICT market, including the global one.
Idea 4 Innovation
Within the Idea 4 Innovation (i4i) company program, every employe, regardless of their job title, position, or expertise, can look for innovations. We reserved time for this for everyone and ideas (hypotheses) are regularly evaluated by the company management. Successful ideas are brought to life but we appreciate all ideas. The courage to reject an idea and not lose energy and motivation to keep on searching is the basis for innovations.
In two years of i4i program existence, we dealt with 87 ideas a we brought 10 of them to life. Among them, there are small but important internal improvements, such as the digital evidence of business trips, but also new ANECT services, which we offer to our clients. Let’s mention, e.g., SOCA Risk Management, Skype4Business Monitoring Tool, our TIDA (Truly Integrated Datacenter by ANECT), and other ones. We evaluated but then decided not to further develop over a third of the ideas, 34 to be precise. Nonetheless, their authors keep on searching and they come up with new ideas over and over again. This is the best result we could wish for.
Innovate or Die
Innovate or Die (IoD) is not just a marketing catchword, but the basis for functioning of ICT companies (and not only them). That’s why it is, at the same time, the name of our second motivational program, in which we are looking for a really differential innovation. Within it, a selected group of employees with the greatest enthusiasm for innovation, with the help of an external specialized company and using the Human Centric Design method, looks for and evaluates ideas for new ANECT services, with which we will conquer the world. Also here, we respectfully reject a lot of ideas, only to make space for other ones. We get inspiration from our customers, experts, enthusiasts, we prepare storyboards, prototypes. We enjoy ourselves but we are serious.
In the IoD program, we evaluated over 200 hypotheses, 26 were elaborated on; out of them, the innovation team chose 9 for a presentation to the company management and 4 were successful. These four are being further evaluated and prototyped in the next IoD project phase, and from one of them, we already have a new service which is helping a customer. Just now, we’re starting to change the world.

„We have been working with ANECT for the development of the innovation program for almost two years and it is great to see that he understands the most important thing, innovation is not enough to want, but it has to be done! Without the support of management and shareholders, it would of course never be possible. We regularly meet a team of well-coordinated people who, like us, enjoy the progress and results…“
Ondřej Moravec, Chief Delivery Officer and Partner