(Security Operations Centre by ANECT)
SOCA is a trademark which includes a set of services in the area of cyber and information security. With their scope, we cover prevention of, detection of, and also response to cyber security incidents which may occur. Starting with an analysis of the current situation, through the offer of smart monitoring, by providing response to these incidents, up to a design of systematic corrective measures including continual improvement.
Do you have an overview of what’s happening in your ICT infrastructure from the security point of view? Do you know what exactly you monitor? Why do you monitor just that? What value does it have? Who to report to? Who responses to security incidents, and how?
Do you also think monitoring ICT security is not necessary? Do you live in the misconception you are not an attractive target for attackers? If so, is such belief based on facts?
Take a look into the ICT security problematics a do fact-checking about your ICT infrastructure with one of our one-off SOCA scan services.